Instructor-Led Training

Basics of Overpressure Protection

This course introduces the basics of overpressure protection to technicians new to the natural gas

Course Prerequisites

  • GTA Web-Based Training
    o None
  • Instructor-Led Training
    o Basics of Control Valves

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will have received instruction designed to assist him/her in
the following:

  • Explain how pressure-relieving valves and safety valves are categorized and characterized.
  • Examine the construction of pressure-relieving valves and safety valves.
  • Describe the operating characteristics of pressure-relieving valves and safety valves.
  • Describe the terms associated with pressure relief and safety valves.
  • Identify the functions of identifications and markings that are placed on pressure-relieving
  • State the applicable federal regulations as they relate to pressure-relieving devices.
  • Identify American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) procedures pertaining to inspection,
    maintenance, testing, and adjustment of relief valves.

Course Outline

  1. Overview of Relief and Safety Valves
  2. Regulatory Compliance, Professional Standards, and Related Procedures and Documentation

Recommended Resources

  • GTA Basics of Overpressure Protection Participant Guide.
  • GTA Basics of Overpressure Protection Instructor Presentation.
  • Internet sites related to industrial overpressure protection.
  • Textbooks or other publications related to industrial overpressure protection.