This course presents concepts and theories to help you better comprehend the kinematic and dynamic
elements of fluid flow as they relate to flow measurement.
Course Prerequisites
- GTA Web-Based Training
o Core WBT
o Flow Measurement Fundamentals
o Gas Properties 1 - GTA Instructor-Led Training
o Drawing Sets and Print Reading
o Basic Measurement
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will have received instruction designed to assist him/her in
the following:
- Describe differential pressure and why it is the driving force for flow.
- Explain the law of Conservation of Mass.
- Explain the law of Conservation of Momentum.
- Explain the law of Conservation of Energy.
- Explain the Bernoulli Principal in theory and how it applies to gas measurement.
- Explain the physical property of viscosity and how it affects fluid flow.
- Explain and give examples of fluid types.
- Explain and give examples of flow types and components.
- Explain the phenomena of swirl and flow separation.
- Explain the operation of flow conditioners and describe their impact on flow.
Course Outline
- Fluid Mechanics History and Applications
- Pressure Differential
- The Conservation Laws
- The Bernoulli Principle
- Concepts of Fluid and Flow
Recommended Resources
- GTA Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals Participant Guide
- GTA Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals Instructor Presentation.
- Internet sites related to basic fluid mechanics.
- Textbooks or other publications related to fluid mechanics.